Thursday, October 6, 2016

Differences between Socialist and Green Party nominees on the Syrian issue

There appear to be some key differences on the outlook of the Socialist and Green Party nominees on the Syrian question this election.  While Green Party nominee Jill Stein supports the US working with Russia and Iran to help secure the Syrian government's claim on all of it's sovereign territory, the Socialist Party USA nominee Emidio Soltysik is in opposition to this plan, and referred to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad as a "monster".   The nominees of other socialist parties such as Party of Socialism and Liberation's Gloria La Riva and Workers World Party's Monica Moorehead are more in agreement with Stein on this issue, both in support of the Syrian government's claim to it's sovereign territory and of Russian and Iranian involvement.

Unaffiliated Write-in candidates running for President

There are several unaffiliated write-in candidates running for President in the 2016 general election as well.  Among them are Ameer Flippin, Cherunda Fox, and Laio Morris.  I wasn't able to find out much about Flippin's views, but he does have a wesbite that details a select few of his standpoints.  Fox seems to be conservative leaning on some issues and more critical of Hillary than of Trump, but she also supports slave reparations and ending overseas war involvement.  Morris has an overall good platform of a $5,000 a month basic guaranteed income for qualifying households as well as all-around anti-war and progressive views across the board.