Thursday, May 23, 2013

Willie Carter Financial Report

2016 Democratic Pres. candidate Willie Carter has so far reported a total of $1,448 in total campaign contributions to the FEC.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

2016 Presidential Hopefuls Grouped By Party

16 candidates have declared their intent to run in the 2016 Presidential election so far.  From the Democratic Party, Jeff Boss and Willie Carter have both declared their candidacy.  Boss hails from New Jersey and claims to have evidence that the NSA did 9/11.  Carter is a social conservative and fiscal moderate who supports strong foreign diplomacy.  Jack Fellure and Silvia Stagg are running on the Republican side.  Fellure has previously ran in GOP primaries and was the Prohibition Party nominee of 2012.  A Socialist Democrat by the name of Karin Swanson is also running.  Charles Brannan is running with the Green Party, and Darryl Perry with the Libertarian Party.  Several independents are also running, and Khadijah M. Jacob-Fambro of the Revolutionary Party.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Willie Carter 2016

Frequent Democratic candidate Willie Carter's website is now updated to declare his 2016 Presidential bid.