Friday, November 9, 2012

2016 & 2020 Presidential Candidates

Perennial candidate Timothy Kalemkarian of Westlake Village, California has already filed his paperwork for the 2016 presidential race.

Not to be outdone, Kip Lee of Redding, California has filed paperwork for the 2020 cycle.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

All Write-in Presidential Candidates in MT

These are all of the write-in Presidential candidates who have certified status in MT.  Stewart Alexander and Stephen Durham are the two most anti-war choices, followed by Roseanne Barr, then "Santa Claus", then Rocky Anderson .  Dennis Knill is also anti-war, but unfortunately, he is also very anti-immigrant and right wing.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Democratic Party Candidates

There are currently five Presidential candidates with the Democratic Party who are currently still running that I am aware of.  Incumbent President Barack H. Obama, who has received his party's nomination.  John Wolfe, who ran against Obama in this year's primary, currently has certified write-in access in the state of Idaho for the General Election.  Tiffany Renee Briscoe, who was formerly the nominee of the now disbanded Boston Tea Party.  Willie Felix Carter, who is running a write-in campaign in states that do not require certification.  And Dennis Jerome Knill, an anti-war candidate who says he is "not a politician!".  All are anti-war to varying degrees, except for Mr. Obama, who has proved himself to be a neoconservative imperialist President.

Candidate websites:

By state:

Overview of Anti-War Options for 2012 Presidential Election

John Wolfe (D) (Write-in Idaho only)  -  Supports "peace and prosperity, not war and austerity", opposes drone strikes, calls for Israel to return to 1967 borders.  Moderate on social issues, fiscal progressive.

Tiffany Briscoe (D-I)  (Write-in Maryland only) - Supports non-interventionist foreign policy, opposes drone strikes.  Libertarian on fiscal and social issues.

Willie Carter (D) (Write-in where registration is not required) - Supports diplomacy in foreign policy.  Socially conservative, supports healthcare being affordable for all.  Overall Christian theocratic view of politics though.

Gary Johnson (L) - Moderately peaceful foreign policy, supports cuts to the military, but also takes up some neoconservative positions.

Jill Stein (GPUSA) - Peaceful foreign policy, anti-war and fairly unbiased in the Israel/Palestine conflict, but is still supportive of Israel's existence as a "Jewish state".  Supports sanctions in some instances.

Rocky Anderson (JPUSA) - Opposed the Iraq War, but apparently would have approved of intervention in Libya if he could have gotten congressional approval.

Virgil Goode (Con.) - Voted for both the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions while in congress, but now says he would not initiate any further wars without congressional approval.

Stewart Alexander (SPUSA) - Supports 50% cut to the military budget, immediate end to the Afghanistan war and drone strikes, and closing all U.S. bases abroad.

Peta Lindsay (PSL) - Anti-war activist, supports ending all wars and foreign occupations.

James Harris (SWP) - Anti-war and anti-death penalty activist, self-described communist, and possibly the furthest left wing candidate in the race.  Has overall impressive resume and ballot access.  Frequent candidate.

Jerry White (SEP) - Party platform calls for disbanding the standing army and giving reparations to countries we have wronged.

Stephen Durham (FSP) - Supports closing the pentagon.  Supports right of soldiers to form labor unions.

Santa Claus (I) - Supports Ron Paul and Green Party platform.

Deonia Neveu (I) - Supports ending the war in Afghanistan.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Who I Am Endorsing In My State

I live in Montana, and this is who I am endorsing in each major contest.

President:  Stewart Alexander (write-in)
Vice President:  Alex Mendoza (write-in)
Senate:  Dan Cox (L)
House:  David Kaiser (L)
Governor:  I do not like any of the candidates, so I'm writing in Heather Margolis, who lost the Democratic Primary, and her former running mate Steve Nelson for Lt. Governor.
Attorney General:  Pam Bucy (D)
Secretary of State:  Linda McCulloch (D)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Write-in Info

States where no declaration of candidacy for write-in status is required are: AL, IA, WI, PA, CA, VT, NH, DE, OR, RI, DE

Monday, September 17, 2012

Stewart Alexander recommends Stephen Durham in Illinois

The Socialist Party USA nominee, Stewart Alexander, is recommending the candidacy of Freedom Socialist Party nominee Stephen Durham in the state of Illinois as a voting option for Illinois socialists, seeing as Mr. Alexander was not able to qualify for write-in status in that state, and Mr. Durham did.  (I previously reported that this was somehow an endorsement.  Mr. Alexander has clarified that this was not an endorsement, but rather simply a recommendation to Illinois socialists that Stephen Durham is a socialist option there.).

Sunday, September 16, 2012

John Wolfe Idaho

Due to the fact that Idaho did not have a Democratic Primary, John Wolfe's write-in candidacy will be an available voting option in the state of Idaho for the General Election.  Wolfe had filed in the state thinking they had a primary, but they did not this year.  They did in '08, and Keith Judd, the Texas inmate who won 40% of the vote against Obama in West Virginia, was actually on the Idaho ballot and won close to 2% of the vote, running against both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.  Wolfe challenged Obama in several state primaries earlier this year, his most impressive showing was garnering around 42% of the vote in Arkansas.  He also got around 12% of the vote in Louisiana, and write-in votes in several other states, but was denied any delegates due to varies technicalities concerning state primary laws.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

PSL and Peta Lindsay ballot access

Gloria La Riva will be on the Colorado, Iowa, Utah, and Wisconsin ballots instead of Peta Lindsay. In Utah and Wisconsin, La Riva is listed as an independent with no running mate. In Iowa and Colorado she is listed with the Party of Socialism and Liberation. Her running mate is Stephanie Beacham in Iowa, and Filberto Ramirez Jr. in Colorado. Peta Lindsay and her running mate, Yari Osorio, are on 9 ballots so far, all listed with the Party of Socialism and Liberation except for Vermont, where they are listed as independent. Source:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tiffany Briscoe Maryland

Despite the fact that she is no longer actively campaigning, independent libertarian candidate Tiffany Briscoe is still a write-in option for President in the state of Maryland, and possibly some other states as well.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Party Nominations

Both the Democratic and Republican Parties have now nominated their candidates at their respective conventions.  The Democratic Party nominated incumbent President Barack H. Obama, and the Republican Party nominated former Governor of Massachusetts Willard M. Romney.  None of Obama's primary challengers received any delegates at the convention.  At the Republican convention, many Ron Paul delegates were seated, but they were not allowed to vote for their candidate of choice.  Despite the fact that Obama is now the official Democratic Party nominee, he is not the only Democratic candidate left in the race.  Willie Felix Carter, a Democratic Party candidate who was not on any primary ballots, is continuing his Presidential bid with a write-in candidacy in states that allow it without filing any form of paperwork.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Stewart Alexander Montana Ballot Access

Stewart Alexander of the Socialist Party USA will have certified write-in access in the Montana 2012 general election.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Roseanne Barr Peace and Freedom Party

Roseanne Barr has received the Peace and Freedom Party nomination following the withdrawal of Rocky Anderson from their nomination process.  Peta Lindsay, who had also been running for the party's nomination, decided to endorse Barr for the party's nomination instead.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Roseanne Barr continues Presidential bid

Roseanne Barr is continuing her Presidential campaign and is now in the running for the Peace and Freedom Party nomination.  Her running mate is peace advocate Cindy Sheehan.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Overview of Candidates foreign policy positions

Barack Obama (D) - Supported the initial invasion of Afghanistan and sent more troops there as President.  Opposed the initial invasion of Iraq, but voted for Iraq War funding why'll in congress.  Supports unmanned predator drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen against enemy combatants and suspected terrorists which often result in civilian casulties.  Supports keeping U.S. bases open worldwide.  Has clear bias in favor of Israel over Arab and Muslim states.  Opposes U.N. recognized Palestinian state.

Mitt Romney (R) - Supported the initial invasion of Afghanistan and sending more troops there.  Supported the initial invasion of Iraq, as well as the "troop surge".  Supports unmanned predator drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen against enemy combatants and suspected terrorists which often result in civilian casualties.  Supports keeping U.S. bases open worldwide.  Has clear bias in favor of Israel over Arab and Muslim states.  Opposes U.N. recongnized Palestinian state.

Gary Johnson (L) - Supported the initial invasion of Afghanistan, but opposed sending more troops there.  Opposed the initial invasion of Iraq and the troop surge.  Supports unmanned predator drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen against enemy combatants and suspected terrorists which often result in civilian casualties.  Opposes keeping U.S. bases open worldwide, but would be open to keeping some bases open in Afghanistan.  Has some level of bias in favor of Israel over Arab and Muslim states.  Is silent on the possibility of Palestinian statehood.

Rocky Anderson (JPUSA) - Former Democrat and supported former Democratic Party platforms and administration policies.  Opposed the initial invasion of Iraq and the troop surge.  Opposes unmanned predator drone strikes.  Opposes keeping U.S. bases open worldwide.  Was supportive of U.S. and NATO intervention in Libya, but would have sought congressional approval.  Is unclear on the Israel/Palestinian conflict.

Jill Stein (G) - Is running with a party whose 2008 nominee voted for the initial invasion of Afghansitan, but later came to oppose the continued occupation.  Opposed the initial invasion of Iraq and troops surge, and opposes unmanned predator drone strikes.  Opposes keeping U.S. bases open worldwide and proposes a 30% cut to the military budget.  Opposed NATO intervention in Libya for the purpose of "regime change".  Supports U.N. recognized Palestinian state, while also recognizing Israel's "right to exist".

Virgil Goode (Con.) - Former member of both the Democratic and Republican parties, served in congress as a Republcian.  Supported the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, is unclear on the continued occupations.  Opposes keeping U.S. bases open overseas, per the Constitution Party paleoconservative platform.  Opposed intervention in Libya, opposes U.S. participation in the U.N. and all foreign aid, including to Israel.

Stewart Alexander (SPUSA) - Opposes the continued occupation of Afghanistan and opposed the intial invasion of Iraq.  Opposes unmanned drone strikes and keeping U.S. bases overseas.  Supports an immediate 50% cut to the military budget with more cuts from there, the goal being to eventually get military spending to less than 10% of what it is now.  Supports U.N. recognized independent Palestinian state, recognizes the historic value of "cultural Zionism", but opposes political Zionism and the policies of the current administration in Israel and it's policy of apartheid.

Peta Lindsay (PSL) - Outspoken anti-war advocate, opposes all wars and foreign intervention carried out by U.S. in recent history.  Opposes predetor drone strikes, supports U.N. recognized Palestinian state, is highly critical of the state of Israel.  Opposes keeping any U.S. military bases overseas, does not support aboltion of the U.S. miltary or pentagon, but supports those institutions being taken over by the working class.

Stephen Durham (FSP) - Outspoken anti-war advocate, opposed invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, but is critical of "anti-feminist" and "oppressive" middle eastern regimes.  Supports abolition of the pentagon, but not the U.S. military.  Supports the right of soldiers to form labor unions.  Sides with the rebels in the current Syria conflict.

Jerry White (SEP) - Party platform declares support for abolition of the standing army and calls for reperations to be given to countries we have wronged.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Socialist Workers Party nominates James Harris

The Socialist Workers Party has nominated it's presidential candidate, African American communist James Harris.  He is a fierce anti-war advocate and strong opponent of the death penalty.  His running mate is Maura DeLuca.

Jill Stein's running mate

Green Party nominee Jill Stein has been officially nominated by the Green Party and has chosen her running mate, anti-poverty advocate Cheri Honkala.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Election that Could have Been

I see little difference between Obama and Romney, especially in the area of foreign policy.  I've never been an Obama supporter.  I heard loud and clear in '08 when he said he wanted to send more troops to Afghanistan.  Not only did he do that, he also increased drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, and signed the NDAA, which gives the President of the United States the authority to indefinitley detain U.S. citizens without trial.  Romney would certainly be no better, and on economics and social issues, he would be far worse.  So what is the alternative?  There are many third parties running this year, and all of them have better foreign policies than Obama and Romney, the left wing and libertarian candidates also being better on social issues.  But this is not the election that had to happen.  There were many other challengers in both primaries.  Ron Paul, for all his economic conservatism, is much better on foreign policy than Obama, proposing an immediate end to the wars as well as the closure of all U.S. bases overseas.  If the election had been Ron Paul vs. Obama, everything would have been on it's heals.  Ron Paul's foreign policy would have made Obama look like a total warmonger.  Peaceful liberals would have had to decide whether to vote for the peaceful conservative or the warmongering liberal, or to still go ahead and vote for a peaceful leftist third party candidate.  There were also challengers to Obama in the primary.  Both Dary G. Richardson and John Wolfe Jr. had much better foreign policies than Obama and opposed the wars, with Richardson supporting an immediate end to the Afghanistan conflict.  John Wolfe Jr. supports a single payer medicare for all plan.  Despite Wolfe's left of Obama policies, only conservative media would give him the time of day, and that was only to make the Democrats and Obama look bad, essentially to embarrass the Democrats and reveal that a John Doe candidate could potentially upstage Obama in Arkansas.  Wolfe didn't win the Arkansas primary, but he did get 42% of the vote, the most a Democratic primary challenger to an incumbent president ever has since Ted Kennedy challenged Jimmy Carter in 1980.  If Richardson or Wolfe had been the Democratic nominee running against Ron Paul as a Republican, it would have been a truly just process, with economic issues being in the front and center.  Two candidates with morals and principles who oppose wars of aggression battling for the soul of America, whether we will be a truly progressive nation, or a truly conservative libertarian nation.  Instead, we have two neoconservative corporatist candidates seeing who can outspend each other on ads and who can look more like the "tough guy".  Ultra nationalism is tearing this country apart, with Americans only caring about themselves, ignoring the plight of civilians overseas who suffer daily due to U.S. imperialism.  I would hope to one day see a true debate of the progressive and conservative agendas without warmongering in the mix, a pure battle of ideology, not two sides of the same battered coin.  Until then, I will look to third parties.  As it stands now, the two major parties are beyond repair.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Darcy Richardson New Campaign Website

Former Democratic candidate Darcy G Richardson has a new campaign website for his bid to get the Reform Party nomination.

Friday, June 29, 2012

John Wolfe Montana

John Wolfe received 10 votes in Montana running as a certified write-in during the June 5th Montana Democratic Primary.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Darcy Richardson

Darcy Richardson, who challenged Obama earlier this year in the Democratic presidential primary, is now seeking the Reform Party's nomination.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Santa Claus

A peace activist who's legal name is "Santa Claus" will be a certified write-in presidential candidate running in the November general election in some states.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Texas Democratic Presidential Primary results

Barack Obama has won the Texas Democratic Presidential primary, receiving 82% of the vote.  Attorney John Wolfe Jr. came in a distant second, receiving approximately 10% of the vote.  Progressive blogger Darcy G. Richardson came in third place, despite not actively campaigning in the state.  Self proclaimed jerk Bob Ely received last place, garnering roughly 2% of the vote.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Tiffany Briscoe No Longer Running / Texas Primary

Tiffany Briscoe is no longer running a presidential campaign, instead focusing all of her efforts on the USA Parliament project, run by her former running mate James Ogle.  The only two libertarian candidates in the race are now Gary Johnson and the Boston Tea Party's Jim Duensing.  Duensing is a Ron Paul supporter and will not be running if Ron Paul somehow becomes the GOP nominee or decides to run independent.  Texas is the last state that has Democratic challengers to Obama in the primary.  They are John Wolfe Jr., Bob Ely, and Darcy G. Richardson.  Richardson is no longer campaigning.  Despite John Wolfe's anti-war leanings and progressive healthcare policies, he opposes marriage rights for same sex couples.  Bob Ely is a self-proclaimed jerk who proposes to tax like a Democrat and spend like a Republican.  Despite opposing the current occupation, he believes that the initial invasion of Afghanistan was justified.  He proposes cutting the military budget, but uses harsh hawkish rhetoric when speaking about the United States military might and his desire to preserve it.  There are also some socialists running in local elections in Texas, some of them may be on the Green Party ballot line, others may not.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Remaining Candidates

With Ron Paul not campaigning anymore and Jill Stein the presumptive Green Party nominee, the anti-war war candidates remaining in the race stands as thus.

John Wolfe Jr. (D) (TX, MT)
Bob Ely (D) (TX)
Willie Carter (D) (TX, CA)
Fred Karger (R) (CA)
Ole Savior (R)
Rocky Anderson (J)
Jill Stein (G)
Stewart Alexander (SPUSA)
Peta Lindsay (PSL)
Jerry White (SEP)
Stephen Durham (FSP)
Tiffany Briscoe (I)
Jim Duensing (BTP)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Arkansas Democratic Primary

Incumbent Barack Obama defeated challenger John Wolfe Jr. in the Democratic Presidential Primary in Arkansas on Tuesday.  Barack Obama received 94,849 votes, John Wolfe Jr. received 67,488 votes.  Obama received about 58% of the vote, Wolfe 42%.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

John Wolfe Arkansas Primary

John Wolfe has done very well in Arkansas primary polls recently, and may even win the primary against incumbent Barack Obama.  However, the party has already promised to deny him his delegates on a technicality if he does.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Jill Stein has secured the Green Party's nomination and is now looking into potential running mates.  The presumed candidates for the 2012 General Election appear to be as thus.

Barack Obama (D)
Mitt Romney (R)
Rocky Anderson (J)
Gary Johnson (L)
Virgil Goode (C)
Jill Stein (G)

These will likely be the only candidates with enough ballot access to theoretically win.  Many other candidates are also running.  Out of these candidates, both Rocky Anderson and Jill Stein are decent on foreign policy, but neither are perfect.  Gary Johnson started out good but has now displayed some desire for neoconservative policies.  Virgil Goode has a history of xenophobic statements and voted for both the Iraq War and the Patriot Act while in congress.  Both Obama and Romney are status quo pro-war candidates.  I recommend voting for Socialist Party USA candidate Stewart Alexander where available for those on the left, and for independent candidate Tiffany Briscoe where available for those on the right.

Ron Paul Suspends Campaign

Ron Paul, the only major Republican who took up anti-war positions, has partially suspended his campaign, and will no longer be actively running in primaries.  California GOP voters may want to consider voting for Fred Karger, who at least opposes the war in Afghanistan.  Paul will still appear on the ballot in the upcoming Republican Primary in Texas, as will Democrat Darcy G. Richardson, who is also no longer actively campaigning.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Anti-War candidates who are still in the race

John Wolfe Jr. (D) (Will be on the ballot in Arkansas and Texas, write-in in MT, ID, and CA)
Keith Russell Judd (D) (WV Primary only)
(Darcy G. Richardson is no longer actively campaigning, but will be on the ballot in Texas)
Bob Ely (D) (On TX ballot)
(I no longer consider Gary Johnson an anti-war candidate due to various positions he has taken)
Jill Stein (G)
Roseanne Barr (G)
Kent Mesplay (G)
Harley Mikkelson (G)
Stewart Alexander/Alex Mendoza (SPUSA)
Rocky Anderson (JPUSA)
Peta Lindsay/Yari Osorio (PSL)
Stephen Durham/Christina Lopez (FSP)
Jerry White/Phyllis Scherrer (SEP)
Tiffany Briscoe (I)
Jim Duensing (BTP)

Friday, May 11, 2012

West Virginia Democratic Primary

Keith Russell Judd scored an impressive 40% of the vote running against Barack Obama in the West Virginia Democratic Primary.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Right Wing Third Party Candidates

Three economically right wing third parties have official nominees now. The Libertarian Party candidate is Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, the Constitution Party candidate is former Congressman Virgil Goode, and the Boston Tea Party nomination is libertarian activist Jim Duensing. Tiffany Briscoe, the BTP's original nominee this year, is now running as an independent, with Libertarian James Ogle as her running mate.  I am rather skeptical of Johnson after discovering that he supports intervention in Uganda to find Joseph Kony, continued drone strikes, and is supportive of leaving some U.S. bases behind in Afghanistan.  Virgil Goode is very far right on social issues and voted for both the Iraq War and the Patriot Act while in congress.  Jim Duensing is a 9/11 truther and seems like a good choice for anti-war libertarians.  He also is critical of America's special relationship with Israel and supports ending foreign aid altogether in the region.  Tiffany Briscoe seems to have a good foreign policy and supports closing U.S. bases overseas, as well as ending predator drone strikes.  Her running mate is James Ogle, who had also been running in the Libertarian Party's primary against Johnson.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Jim Duensing

Jim Duensing is now officially the nominee for the Boston Tea Party.  An anti-war 9/11 truther, he is a former Libertarian congressional candidate and founder of the Libertarian Party 9/11 truth caucus, Libertarians for Justice.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Peace and Freedom Party Primary

The Peace and Freedom Party will have it's presidential primary on June 5th, featuring four anti-war candidates.  The candidates are the Socialist Party USA's Stewart Alexander, the Justice Party's Rocky Anderson, the Party of Socialism and Liberation's Peta Lindsay, and the Freedom Socialist Party's Stephen Durham.  All of them are excellent candidates, but I am personally endorsing Stewart Alexander as the candidate best equipped to tackle war and poverty.

John Wolfe ballot access

John Wolfe will be on the ballot in Arkansas and Texas, and will have certified write-in status in both Montana and Idaho.  He is to Obama's left on many things and supports peace and prosperity, not war and austerity.  Progressive blogger Darcy G. Richardson is also on the Texas ballot, but has decided to not actively campaign there.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Willie Carter

Willie Carter is a Democrat running for president who appears to support a diplomatic approach to foreign policy.

Tiffany Briscoe vs Gary Johnson

The Briscoe/Ogle campaign makes a convincing case why they are more anti-war than Gary Johnson and may be better option for peace loving libertarians.

Ole Savior

Ole Savior is a former Democratic Farmer Labor Party member who is now running in the Republican Presidential Primary.  He supports many progressive policies and dreams of a nuclear free world.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Harley Mikkelson

Harley Mikkelson is a candidate running for the Green Party presidential nomination who is very anti-war and takes a hardline stance against the apartheid state of Israel.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Tiffany Briscoe

Tiffany Briscoe is another anti-war option of the libertarian variety.  She was running with the Boston Tea Party, but is now pursuing an independent presidential bid.  Her running mate is James Ogle.

Keith Russell Judd

Texas inmate Keith Russell Judd will be challenging Obama in the Democratic Primary of West Virginia, and may have certified write-in access in several other states.  He is pro-choice, opposes No Child Left Behind, and was an opponent of the Iraq War.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

J.Paul Hadd

Twitter account of independent write-in candidate J.Paul Hadd!/jphaddadio

Anti-War Presidential Candidates of 2012

Here are the anti-war presidential candidates of 2012 that I have discovered so far

Darcy G. Richardson (D)
John Wolfe (D)
Ron Paul (R)
Fred Karger (R)
Gary Johnson (L)
R. Lee Wrights (L)
Jill Stein (G)
Roseanne Barr (G)
Stewart Alexander/Alex Mendoza (SPUSA)
Peta Lindsay/Yari Osorio (PSL)
Stephen Durham/Christina Lopez (FSP)
Jerry White/Phyllis Scherrer (SEP)